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Report Designer Manual

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Simple Report Designer

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The simple Report Designer in OUTREACH|IT has many options. You can create templates for the mail, e-mail and fax dispatch. Here you find out which features the report designer contains.


In the upper bar there are several tabs, on the left side below it you see your template and on the right side there is the data explorer.




The Data Explorer contains the contact and activity fields from Act!.

You can easily drag and drop them into the template.



The individual tabs are Home, Insert, Page Layout, View, Review, References, File, Mail Merge and Appearance.


If you insert a bar code, a check box, a graph or a line index and double-click on it, the tab field will appear. There you can edit the inserted element.

The tab field also appears when inserting elements from the data explorer and clicking on the lower part, DataRow.


When clicking on the upper part of the data explorer elements, ListHeader, the list tab appears.


As soon as you are in editing mode for the header or footer the header and footer tab opens.


You have the possibility to group fields you insert. For that, you open the group tab (explanation see Group tab).


You find the explanations about the particular tabs in the chapters Home Tab, Insert tab, Page Layout tab, View tab, References tab, File tab, Mail Merge tab, Presentation tab, Field tab, List tab, Group tab and Header and footer tab.


More information about the individual tabs can also be found in this Online Manual.