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Report Designer Manual


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The configuration options in the section Appearance are the same like for the Text Element. In the following part, Data, you can create data bindings. Open the list with a click on the arrow in front of data bindings:


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Then, either go on the arrow in front of Rtf or Html. Now the following appears


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Click in the row Binding and then on the arrow. You will see this list:


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Now choose the desired Act! field from the list. You can check whether the field is displayed or not when you change to the Preview or the HTML view.


For the Rich Text Element you have the possibility to load the text from a file. For that, right click on the particular element in the display window. The following list appears:


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Now you go on Load file.


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You can open a word document, an RTF file, a simple text file or an HTML file. Choose the desired document and then click on Open.


iinfoPlease make sure that the document you want to insert is not open in the program that you created the document with.  


Your file will now be visible in the rich text element field.


In the next section Design you have the possibility to enter a name for the rich text element.


The size and location can be set like it is explained in the chapter Text Element.


In the section Navigation you can deposit a hyperlink under Navigation URL. You also have the possibility to connect an e-mail address in the style "".


iinfoIt might happen that the link cannot be displayed properly if you create the text in the RTF element itself and not by inserting a Microsoft Word document to the element. When you want to be on the safe side we advise you to create your text with link in Microsoft Word.


You can read about the settings for Behaviour in the chapter Text Element.


These were all of the configuration options for the rich text element.