In order to create a text element click on the symbol first. For a rich text element you click on this symbol:
. Then you click in the display window and pull up your text field.
Rich Text Elements can be edited regarding font type, font color and font size. Normal text elements cannot be edited like this.
In order to edit a simple text element click on the blue arrow in the upper right corner of the element and the following list opens:
Here you type in a text or enter a data binding. You can also state a format string or a summary. For the sum you click on the three dots ... behind summary and a window will open. You can read about those settings in the sub chapter Fields from the data explorer from the Field tab. The number you enter for the angle is the degree the text will be rotated with. You also have the possibility to add formatting rules. How to create and edit formatting rules can be read about in the paragraph about the inserting of pictures.
If you tick auto width the width of the text element will be adjusted automatically. Selecting Can grow or Can shrink makes it possible that the text elements either get bigger or smaller. If you tick multiline the text will be able to stretch across more than one row. The feature word wrap enables you to insert a line break into your document. These are some of the settings of the simple text element, further settings can be read about in the chapter Property Grid.
Furthermore, you can edit settings for the rich text element. The list will look like this:
Once you click on Clear the entire text in the element will be removed. In order to insert a text document go on Load file. A window will open where you can choose a .rtf-file, a .docx-file, a .txt-file or a .html-file. Then click on Open.
Make sure that the document you want to open is not open in the program you created it with when you want to insert it here.
There is also the possibility to create a data binding with an Act! field and if you want to you can add formatting rules. You can read about how to create formatting rules in the chapter Picture element. Tick Can grow or Can shrink to make the size of the element modifiable.