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Report Designer Manual


                                                                                    professional report designer 74 (1)


Click on the three dots behind Styles. The following window appears:


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Click on the green + to create a new style. You will then see the different configuration options on the right that are already in the property grid. With the red x next to the + you can delete the style. With the Save symbol you save the style you created, with the Folder symbol you open it again.


Then you close the dialog.


By clicking on the arrow in front of Styles you open more configuration options:


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That way you have the possibility to decide whether you want to apply the style to the entire document or only the even or odd pages.


The last important option on the section appearance is text alignment. Click on the row and then choose the desired alignment from the list.


In the section Data you only enter the text that the element should contain. Abschnitt Daten geben Sie lediglich bei Text den Text ein, der in dem Element enthalten sein soll.


Next, you type in the name of the text element.


In the layout section you expand the points location and size with a click on the arrows in front of them.


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You type in the height and width of your text element. For x you enter the horizontal position of the element in the report, for y the vertical position.


In the next section you can equip the text with a link. Type in the desired link (in the form into the row navigation URL.


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For Behaviour there are also some settings:


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If you want the width of the text element to adjust automatically choose Yes for Auto Width. You can also enable the options Can grow and Can shrink. Furthermore, you have the possibility to set Multiline and Word wrap (line breaks) for the text. If you want to change the rotation angle of the text element type in the degree you want the text to be tilted next to Angle.


These were the configuration options of the text element.