Telefon DE: +49-8282-800-400 Telefon AT: +43-7322-370-202 Telefon CH: +41-41-5210-100

You need Support and to get more accurate log files please set a higher TraceLevel and activate ‚TapiTrace‘

To set the TraceLevel follow these steps:

   1. Start ACT!
   2. Open the Config of DIAL|IT
   3. Go on the tab Support
   4. Set the TraceLevel on 4
   5. Save the settings and restart ACT!


   1. To set the TapiTrace follow these steps:
   2. Start ACT!
   3. Open the Config of DIAL|IT
   4. Go on the tab TAPI/Dial Settings
   5. Click on TapiTrace
   6. Save the settings and restart ACT! 

Tapi Trace only for Editons, that use the Tapi interface (skype only continue with Make Calls (inbound&Outbound)

An additional file will be created where very precise information about the execution of the program is listed. This requires a lot of working memory! Activate this function only if requested by our technicians or if you dispose yourself of sufficient expert knowledge about DIAL|IT.


Make Calls (inbound&Outbound)

After changing the settings you have to restart ACT!, then reproduce your steps to evoke the error again and send the logfiles.

ATTENTION: If the TraceLevel  is > 0, all functions will slow down  (PopUp, Dialogues,…). Please reset it to 0 after you provided us the log files

Send the files:
Please go to the tab ‚Support‘. There is a link ‚Send log files via email to get support‘. You must enter the ticket numer, as the logfiles will not be attached without ticket number. If you do not have a ticket number yet, pls go to and create a ticket under the apropiate devision, describing your problem. If you use outlook for your normal email communication, you can check in the outbox / sent email if the logfiles are sent.

With this the logfiles will be sent automatically to our support team, if you want to add any other documents (eg screenshots) you can do this there.
You also have the possibility to write a short note and / or if you already have a ticket ID please enter it there.

Error while sending the logfiles

If a Click on the Link (send logfiles via email to get support) results in an error (we try to use Outlook, and if this is not possible, we try to send an email directly) then make sure that you zip the content of 2 folders

..\my documents\crmaddon\..
..\my documents\crmaddon Dial-it\..

attach the zip file, to the ticket

