Here is a short list with different conditions you have to look for when you want to use DIAL|IT
General conditions for DIAL|IT
DIAL|IT is available for the ACT! Versions 7 – 15 (2005 – 2013
Using a telephone system
Using Skype
A Tapi complient system is required.
A valid Skype account is required.
The system has to be configured correctly.
You have to connect Skype to ACT! in the Skype access administration.
The gateway between your system and your PC has to be configured correctly. (i.a. Tapi driver)
If you want to use Skype, you have to take care of a few settings in the DIAL|IT-Configuration:
1. Choose Skype instead of your phone
2. Choose the Skype field in ACT!
3. Choose if you want to make outgoing calls, incoming calls or both of them.
You can use Skype and your phone at the same time. Please read the manual for a detailed guide.
What you have to do if you can’t connect to your phone system:
If you can’t choose you phone system in the DIAL|IT-Configuration, in spite of completing the points above, please use the Phone.exe. With this software you can connect directly to your phone system. If you can’t find your phone system neither being able to make incoming and outgoing calls, please create a ticket on our Support-Site and we will help you as soon as possible. If you can’t accomplish these things, there is a problem with your phone system which could be solved from your phone-system responsable. You have to be able to use your phone system with the Phone.exe to use it with DIAL|IT.
Have fun with our DIAL|IT, your
CRMADDON Factory Team
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