Telefon DE: +49-8282-800-400 Telefon AT: +43-7322-370-202 Telefon CH: +41-41-5210-100

Sometimes the internal Phone list is buggy, we could see this  issue when

   – you updated your database from ACT5/6/2004
   – you used some Addons that modifyed the Phone numbers
   – you had issues with Syncing

then you might need to Repair the Internal Phone Number list.

In ACT you can do this manualy, by removing the phone number (CUT) and save the contact, then save the phone number back in, and click on save in ACT. as this will take a while we added a function to DIAL|IT that will do this kind of repair to all your phone numbers, (we also added a bunch of other „repairfunctions“ to this function in our ADDON.

You must be Logged in as an Act Administrator and the tool must be licenced to work (it will not work with the Trial)

Important Note:
Before you use this function please make a backup of your database

   1. Open the Config of DIAL|IT
   2. Go to the tab ‚phone numbers‘
   3. Click on the button ‚Repair Phone field values‘
   4. your phone numbers will be checked and repaired for the use of DIAL|IT

The formatting of your phone numbers will still be the same in your ACT! mask – this function only changes internal Tables, that the user is not seeing.

