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Recently some customers did note that starting an Office application (Outlook, Word, and so on) is taking a huge amount of time, since ACT is installed. 


you may want to install the following patch provided by Microsoft.


 If you get the following issue:

than please right click ont the Installer data and „Run as Administrator“.


we did test this with ACT16 and Office2010 and Office2013 and Outlook was loading in less then 10% of the time before.


it´s about installing the Primary Interop Assemblies. this patch is normaly for Office2003,and you can find the same for newer Office Versions, but we made some tests, and found that this one (for office2003) is the one that Boosts Speed, the loading of office2013 and Office2010 in ACT16 up to 10 (ten) times faster as without this patch. without the patch, it can take up to 2 min for Outlook to load, with the patch, we did see load times less then 10 seconds. We did test the newer Versions, but found a lower Speed gain with the newer (for Office2007 up to office2013)
