Telefon DE: +49-8282-800-400 Telefon AT: +43-7322-370-202 Telefon CH: +41-41-5210-100

When uninstalling or updating an Addon, it might happen that the old Icons are still dispayed. in this case, you must go to Tools |  Customize | Reset Menus and Toolbars, then Restart ACT! and you should be fine.

If the icons are still shown, something happened with the uninstall, there can be only 2 reasons that we are aware of:

  1.  the uninstall was made by a person without Admin rights
  2.  ACT! was runing while the Uninstall was being performed, and act is not allowing us to remove any dll´s that are in use.

Pls check the following 2 folders, and remove everything starting with CRMADDON

  1. ACT! program folder (this should not contain any files starting with CRMADDON in any case
  2. Plugin Folder, remove all files and folders where the name starts with CRMADDON
  3. Delete the dependentDlls.xml file of ACT!. The file is located approximately in C:\Users\Your User Name\AppData\Roaming\ACT\ACT Data, this path may vary depending on your user name and OS.  Removing  this file will not cause any system issues as it is recreated each time ACT! is started. This file contains DLLs ACT! for some reason had issues with (update of ACT, busy PC (timeout) busy hard disk (timeout)), removing DependentDlls.xml file will let those DLLs to be used in a normal way

Then run ACT! and redo the Reset Menu & Toolbar fuction.
