Telefon DE: +49-8282-800-400 Telefon AT: +43-7322-370-202 Telefon CH: +41-41-5210-100

If you have a list of data which should be updated for your Act! contacts and have only email field there, you can with help of IMPORT|IT application create an import schema and update your Act! data. IMPORT|IT Basic allows importing from a .CSV file. However, if you have an EXCEL file, you’d need to use an advanced version or you can save your Excel file in a .CSV format.

Then follow steps described in our User Manual article. If you’d like to update your contact data records with Swiftpage opt outs then map two fields on the Easy Mapping tab – your opt-out field and email field and put a checkmark for duplicates checking for the email field. That’s it!


