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To set up a Remote-Database for Act! which is fully synchronizeable with your Main-Database, please follow the instructions below:

Be sure you executed Act! as Admin. und Anmeldung als Admin oder? Den Rest muss BT lesen, ich habs noch nie gemacht 😉

Go to „Tools“ => „Synchronize Database“ => „Synchronisation Panel“.

After that, first click „Enable Synchronisation“

After that „Create a new Sync set“ listed in „Manage Sync Set“

Please follow the Act! Wizard to complete this step.

After that go to create remote database. Also follow the wizard and complete this step.


After this, you get a „*.RDB“ file. 

Copy this file to your laptop or PC where you want to run the Database which is synchronizing with your main Database.

Just open the file with Act!. It will set up a wizard which will guide you through the process of configuring your RDB.

At the end of the configuration guide it will ask you, to delete the *.RDB file.

You dont need this file anymore so we recommend to delete it. 
