<Intern Draft>
There are several reasons to restore your Act! Database.
1. You want to make sure, your backup is working as expected in case of an emergency
2. A hardware or software problem has corrupted your data
3. you need to transfer the database from one system to another (new server,...)
The first step is to start actdiag.exe. The actdiag.exe is placed normally in the following folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\ACT\Act for Windows
the other way to open actdiag is to go to:
start =>search actdiag.exe
Run the exe and to go "Databases" => Database list. Select the Database you want to replace and right click on it and then on "Detach Database".
After this step open your Act! and go to "File => Restore => Database => "Restore as" and select the zip file.
After that make sure, you delete the old Database first (or save it to a new folder) and then restore the old Database with the same name to the exact old location.
After the restore is complete, check if the database is shared (only needed if you shared the old one also)
Go to "Tools => Database Maintenance => Share Database.
After this everything should work fine.
Please also make sure, that the folder properties (right click on the folder => security) are set the same way as the old ones.
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