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Remove Computer From License

This option allows moving the license to another machine. It is possible to change computers only twice then it will not be possible to reset a license. For example if you have a single machine license you can change the computer twice. In case you need to do this more times you will need to create a ticket for our support team.

To start removal process you need to launch our Wizard for Registration:

license window


On the appeared window you will need to select ‚Remove computer from license‘ option.

remove 1


Then you will need to provide your license and user information. To request the code, please click ‚Request Code‚ button and then copy the code sent to your registered email to the ‚Requested Code‚ field and proceed by clicking ‚Next‘.


On this window you need to select connection options you have. If you have a direct connection to the Internet, then select ‚No proxy‘ option:

proxy new

There are two options for license removal:

1. You can remove it from the machine where you’d like to deactivate the license. In this case you need to select ‚Local Computer‚:

local comp new

2. You can remove it from another machine, in this case you’d need to select ‚Other Computer‚ option

othercomp new


In this case the following wondow will open:

deactivate comp new


Here you can select the computer you would like to deactivate, click ‚Run deregistration‘ button to proceed further.

deregistr new


As soon as the lisence checking is performed you’ll get a text notifying you that the deactivation has been completed.


