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If you have private access level for your companies and would like to change it to restricted to specific users or teams, please do the following: 

  1. Export your Companies with EXPORT|IT addon. In your Companies you need to export Company and Access level fields
  2. Then you’d need to import them with IMPORT|IT addon back to Act!
  3. In IMPORT|IT addon create a schema for Companies import
  4. On the Virtual Columns tab create a virtual field with translation expression which will allow you to change the access level. As a scenario choose ‚Translation‚ and apply the following settings: Translation Virtual Field
  5. Then map your Company field and new Virtual field on the Easy Mappings tab and enable duplicates check for a Company field:    mapping fields
  6. On the Merge Options tab you’d need to disable ‚Stop Import if this amount of duplicates is found‚ option.Updating fields
  7. Now your schema is ready and you can import your data back to Act! and update access level fields

