You attempt to open ACT! E-mail or click on an E-mail address when you receive the following error: „Error Retrieving the COM Class Factory for Component with CLSID {741BEEFD-AEC0-4AFF-84AF-4F61D15F5526} failed due to the following error: 80040154“ or „…8007007e“
This issue is caused by an unregistered .dll file. Please use the following steps to resolve this issue.
- Close ACT! and Microsoft Outlook® on your machine.
- Open the Command Prompt using the steps below according to your operating system:
- Windows XP, Server 2003: Click the Windows® Start button and select Run.The Run dialog box appears. Type cmd in the Open field and click OK
- Windows Vista, Windows 7, Server 2008: Click the Windows Start button. On the Start menu, choose Programs, then click the Accessories folder. Right-click on the Command Prompt program and select Run As Administrator.
- The DOS Prompt window appears. Type one of the following commands, depending on your computer’s operating system (or location of your Sage ACT! install directory if not default) and press Enter. Ensure that you include the spaces when typing, or copy and paste the command from the article into the Command prompt.
32-bit operating system: cd C:\Program Files\ACT\ACT for Windows
64-bit operating system: cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Act\Act for Windows - The file directory path you just typed will display. At the end of the path, type regsvr32 redemption.dll and press Enter on your keyboard.
- The following RegSvr32 dialog box appears. Click OK to complete the registration of the file. Close the the DOS Prompt window.
If your receive the following screen below when attempting step 4, this indicates that the Redemption.dll file is missing. This can be the cause the initial error as well:
To resolve this issue, use the following steps:
- Navigate to the File Attachments section at the bottom of this article, right-click on the Redemption.dll file and choose the appropriate save option:
- Internet Explorer: Save Target As…
- Firefox: Save Link As…
- Save to the appropriate directory depending on your computer’s operating system:
32-bit operating system: C:\Program Files\ACT\Act for Windows
64-bit operating system: C:\Program Files (x86)\ACT\Act for Windows - Attempt to perform Steps 3 and 4 above.
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