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Automatically attach Mails to your history in Act!


Please note: -This is only possible with Outlook 2007 and 2010

-This rule/feature does only works if Outlook is running


Outlook 2007:

1. Please got to „Tools“ „Rules and Alerts…“ and ther you go to „New Rule…


2. Please choose under „Check messages when the arrive

3. At the Frist Condition(s) Please choose „sender is in specified Adress Book„. Then please add the Act! Adress Book by clicking the blue letters in the box below.

4. At the Second condition(s) you have to choose „perform a costum action„. If you click on the blue letters again, the window 2 poped up. There you have to choose as a Action „Act! – Auto Attach E-Mails…..„. After you´ve choosen the action please press on „Changes…“ than Winow 3 appears. Please check if the path to your DB is correct. We recoment to use the settings selected in the screenshot.

5. Click next to continue to the exception area. If you like to add exceptions you can do it there.


6. Continue to see an overview window with all settings and ensure that „Turn on this rule“ is ticked.

Then Restart your Outlook.


Outlook 2010:

There is only one diffrent step from the one above at Step 1. you´ve to go to „Data„->“Rules and Alerts„.


The other Steps are the same.
