The settings for the section Appearance can be found in the chapter Text Element. In the section Data you can either create a data binding, explained in the chapter Rich Text Element, or enter a text (only numbers) that will appear below the bar code. You also have the possibillity to enter a name for the element. The explanations for the section Layout can be found in the chapter Text Element and the ones for Navigation in the chapter Rich Text Element.
Now to the section Behaviour: Either you enter a number how big the bar code should be under module or you set the Auto-Module on Yes so that the bar code adjusts to the frame automatically.
Under Orientation you have the possibility to tilt the bar code upside down or to rotate it to the left or to the right.
Next, you set the type of bar code (symbology) you want to use.
You can state whether or not the text should be displayed with Visibility.
These were the configuration options of the bar code.