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For the e-mail and fax dispatch you need e-mail templates, so called reports, you can choose from when creating a schema.


In the reports tab you have the possibility to create such reports. First, you go on the reports 2 (1) symbol. The following window appears:


reports 2


The same window appears when you add a new template during the creation of a schema.


Enter a name for your report first. Then you decide either on the professional or the easy report designer.


The professional report designer offers many functions the easy one does not have. However, the easy report designer is easier to use. We advise you to use the professional report designer to reach the full potential of OUTREACH|IT.


The symbol bar contains several functions you can use when you have not created a report yet.


With the first symbol you close all of the folders. If all of the folders and sub folders should be visible you can click on the second symbol.

The last symbol updates your folder view. In the case that you want to create a new folder you go on the last symbol. This window will open:


reports 4


There you enter the name of the folder. Then go on OK.


reports 5


The folder was created. With a click on the reports 7 (1) symbol you delete it again. You can either show or hide the professional reports. Now you click on OK.


reports 7


Next, you choose your Act! database and enter your user name as well as the password so that you can use the Act! fields for your report.


Click on OK. You can now create a template from an existing file or create a new report. Then, go on OK.


You will get to the Report Designer.


Here you have the possibility to create a template as you like.

Continue reading about the functions of the simple Report Designer and of the professional Report Designer in the Report Designer Manual.