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Fill Null Value

Choose Yes, and an input field can be empty without an error message appearing.

Choose No, and an error message appears when you leave an input field empty.

Reports Count

Here you can set how many reports per import will be saved.  

Skip pre-import contacts check

Choose Yes, and the contacts won't be checked before every import.  

Choose No, and the contacts will be checked before every import.

Dialog state of export non-plain CSV

Choose 0, and the check box 'Show this dialog field again' won't appear.

Choose 1, and the check box 'Show this dialog field again' will be displayed.

Choose 2, and the CSV export dialog field won't be displayed anymore.

Use dupe protection

Choose Yes, and the import will stop when the maximum amount of duplicates is reached (you can set that under Maximum Dupes Amount).

Choose No, and the import will continue to run even if the maximum amount of duplicates is reached.

Turn DupCheck off

Choose Yes, and the program won't check if duplicates are being imported.

Choose No, and the prgram will check if duplicates are being imported.

Attach as document

Choose Yes, and documents will be added to the database.

Choose No, and only the link will be inserted.

Create company when not exists

Choose Yes, and a company will be created during the import if it doesn't exist in the database yet.

Choose No, and no new company will be created during the import if it doesn't exist yet.

Excel Writer Type

You can choose between the SaxWriter and Npoi as an Excel Writer Type.

With both you receive a normal Excel file when you import into the Excel format. We advice you to use the SaxWriter. If this setting doesn't work for you, you can also use Npoi.

Enable bugs reporting

Choose Yes, and logs will be created when the program crashes or the like.

Choose No, and no logs will be created.

Create group if not exists

Choose Yes, and a group will be created during the import when it doesn't exist in the database yet.

Choose No, and no group will be created during the import when it doesn't exist in the database yet.

Update contact with company

Choose Yes, and the contact will be updated with the company during every import. The option "Link contact with company" needs to be activated.

Choose No, and the contact won't be updated with the company.  

Don't ignore empty fields

Choose Yes, and the program won't ignore empty fields during the duplicate check.  

Choose No, and the program will ignore empty fields during the duplicate check.

Attachment List

Here you can open a dropdown list and add attachments with the Add button and remove attachments with the Remove button.  

Maximum Dupes Amount

Here you can enter a number. As soon as this number of duplicates is reached during the import, the import will stop.

Maximum number of log files

You can state how many log files will be created maximally. If you enter 0 there is no limit.

Maximum log file size (KB)

A single log file can have as many KB as you enter here. If you enter 0, there is no limit.

Number of contacts to create company

You need as many contacts as stated here for IMPORT|IT to create a new company during the import in Act!.

MultiSelect Separator

For separation of fields and data Act! uses the semicolon ; as a delimiter. In case you want to import a data set that uses a different delimiter, a comma for example, then you can enter that here and IMPORT|IT converts it into the semicolon for you.

Mapped Drive Path

Choose Yes, and  the source is saved locally during the import.

Choose No, and the source won't be saved locally during the import.

Don't use Outlook

Choose Yes, and you won't use Microsoft Outlook to send log files to the support.

Choose No, and you will use Microsoft Outlook to send log files to the support.

Create product

Choose Yes, and the import will create a new product when it doesn't exist yet.  

Choose No, and the import won't create a new product.

Show auto assignment when first run new schema

Choose Yes, and the program will suggest to auto assign the fields (that means saving values from the column city in the source file to the Act! field city) before running a new import schema.

Choose No, and the program won't suggest auto assignment before running a new import schema.

Phone Parsing Type

Choose Do not analyze phone number when country is unknown, and IMPORT|IT won't try to find a non existing country code.

Choose Best guess if country is unknown with internet, and the program will search for a non existing country code with the help of the internet.

Choose Best guess if country is unknown without internet, and the program will search for a non existing country code without the internet (for example with the help of the Act! field country in the contact data set).

Choose Best guess for all records with internet, and an unknown phone number will be assigned to the right contact with the help of the internet.  

Choose Best guess for all records without internet, and an unknown phone number will be assigned to the right contact without the help of the internet.

Level of logging

Choose Normal, and the level of logging is set on low.

Choose Debug, and the level of logging is set on medium.

Choose Trace, and the level of logging is set on high.

The more precise mistakes are being logged the more computer resources are needed during the logging process and that is why the usage of DATA|SUITE will take a bit longer.

The option Normal is best for everyday use.  

If you have a problem with the DATA|SUITE our support technicians will help you. Just set the logging Level to Debug or Trace and more information will be collected in a so called log file. Under Help > Send logs to support you can send us those files. You can read about how to use that feature in the chapter Additional DATA|SUITE functions.

Merge action on no match

When a new data record appears during the import that does not have any connection or similarities to already existing records, either a new data record can be created (=Add new) or the data record that should be imported is to be ignored (=Ignore).

Merge action on multiple match

If a new data record that has to be imported has several similarities with an already existing record you have four options:


Choose Ignore, and the new data record won't be imported. This can be recommended when you do not exactly know if all of the records you are importing are correct.

Choose Add new, and a new data record will be added.

Choose Overwrite, and the suitable record in the database will be overwritten with the new data. We recommend this option when you are 100% sure that all the information in your source is correct.

Choose Update empty fields, and only the fields will be imported whose values aren't in the Act! record yet but in the scource.

Merge action on unique match

If several data records that have to be imported have similarities with already existing records you have four options:


Choose Ignore, and the new data record won't be imported. This can be recommended when you do not exactly know if all of the records you are importing are correct.

Choose Add new, and a new data record will be added.

Choose Overwrite, and the suitable record in the database will be overwritten with the new data. We recommend this option when you are 100% sure that all the information in your source is correct.

Choose Update empty fields, and only the fields will be imported whose values aren't in the Act! record yet but in the source.

Link contact with company

Choose Yes, and during the import a new contact will be linked with the company he/she works for in Act!.  

Choose No, and during the import a new contact won't be linked with the he/she works for.

Settings directory

Here you can find the path where all the settings are saved.  

Virtual columns

Choose Yes, and you are able to create virtual columns.

Choose No, and you aren't able to do so.


What virtual columns/fields are, how you create them and what you use them for you can read about in the chapter Virtual fields.

Preview records count

This determines the maximum number of lines that will be shown in the Show data source function for the IMPORT|IT schemas.

Preview rows

Determines whether "read only" fields are displayed.  

Display only unmapped fields

Choose Yes, and during the mapping of fields when creating an import schema only those fields are shown in the dropdown list that have not been mapped yet.

Choose No, and all fields are shown during the mapping process.