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Report Designer Manual


upper symbol bar


With the upper symbol bar 2 symbols you can save your report.  


The three upper symbol bar 3 symbols are for the clipboard. You can delete a selected element and put it into the clipboard, copy it and put it into the clipboard or insert a copied element.


Undo certain steps or redo them again with the upper symbol bar 4 symbols.


In order to edit the upper symbol bar click on this symbol: upper symbol bar 5.


The next symbols are for text editing:


upper symbol bar 6


First you choose the font type, then the font size and after that you decide if the font should be bold, italic or underlined. Now you also have the possibility to pick the font color and if you want to a background color for the lettering.

With the upper symbol bar 7 symbols you can change the text alignment, either left-justified, right-justified, centered or full justification.


In the row below are more symbols. Click on the upper symbol bar 8 symbol, in order to  um die selektierten Elemente am Raster auszurichten.


If you selected several elements you have the possibility to move them to the left, to the right, to the centre, to the top, down or to the middle with the upper symbol bar 9 symbols.


With the upper symbol bar 10 symbols you change the size of your elements. You can either adjust the width of several elements or you can align the size and adjust the grid. You also have the possibility to adjust the length of several elements or their size.


In order to change the distance of the single elements you need these symbols upper symbol bar 11 or these upper symbol bar 12 . You have the possibility to create the same distance between the elements, to increase the distances or to remove the distances entirely.


You can align the selected elements horizontally or vertically centred at the line by clicking on these symbols: upper symbol bar 13.


With these symbols you bring elements to the front or to the back: upper symbol bar 14.


After that you again find the symbol for editing the symbol bar.


There is the possibility to enlarge/minimze the section in the display window by using the following symbols: upper symbol bar 15.


These were all the features of the upper symbol bar.