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DIAL|IT Manual



You can reach the DIAL|IT contact list function via the view with this icon GlockeIcon:





You can also find this function under the following steps:


1. click on contact or company detail view.





2. After that, click on Tools and then on the CRMADDON Factory Addons menu.





3. select Dial|IT-ToDo's here.




4. This dialog appears:




5. you can view your today's tasks in the middle area. If you double-click on a row or right-click on it, this menu will appear:




Use this to call the corresponding contact directly or have the contact displayed. If it is a company, you can also call or display it.


In the upper part of the window, edit the display of scheduled activities further down. Select a date range from the dropdown list, for example Future. It is also possible to specify a concrete date range (From ... To ...).


Under Activity Type, place a check mark next to the activities you want to be displayed, and then click OK. Then select one or more users whose activities should appear below.


You also have the option to display only contacts of a certain group, recurring activities or only timeless activities.


If you check Load lists manually with Refresh button, the list of scheduled activities will not update automatically when you adjust something at the top, but only when you go to the Refresh button at the bottom.  


A little further down you can see the descriptions of the individual activities:


ToDos mit Rahmen


At the bottom you can then call or display selected contacts or companies by clicking on the corresponding button. You also have the option to refresh the display, reset the display, restore the original size of the window or view the contacts without activities, i.e. contacts for which there are no activities in the Scheduled Activities section. This can be useful if, for example, you want to check which of your customers you have not yet scheduled a call with this week.



In the Scheduled Activities section, as above, you have the option to right-click on individual rows to open a context menu:


geplante Tätigkeiten


Display the contact, call it directly, display the contact's company or call it directly, delete the selected activity, mark it as done or change the date or priority of the activity.


With the pin icon in the upper right corner you cause the window to always come to the front after some time, even if you minimize it, for example.


You close the window either by clicking the red x in the upper right corner of the window or by clicking the close button in the lower right corner.