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DIAL|IT Manual



You can access the send e-mail function in the following ways. 1:


1. first go to the contact and company detail view or to the contact and company list view.


Email versenden 1 Screenshot


2. then click Tools > CRMADDON Factory Addons > DIAL|IT - Addon > DIAL|IT - Send Email



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3. The following window appears:


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With the contact selected, the person to whom the email should go is listed. You can edit this by clicking on the three dots. This dialog is displayed:


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Select the desired contacts here as usual in Act! and then go to OK.




Under the email settings, enter a subject for your email, as well as the recipient of the email and possibly email addresses for the CC and BCC.


Please separate the individual e-mail addresses with a ";" (semicolon).


Email Template...

Report template...


You can also add an attachment to the email. To do this, click on the three dots. The following window will appear:


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Select the desired file here and then go to Open.


Now go to the Send Email window and click on the Send Settings tab:


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You can send the email via Outlook or send it via Exchange.


If you want to use Outlook, select an email profile and an email account and enter the password for it. You can refresh the list of email profiles with the send email zwei pfeile icon icon. The list contains all Outlook email profiles that you have set up on your PC. If no email profiles appear in the list, just enter them manually.


If you want to use Exchange, select a sender email address and a reply email address. In the dropdown list you will find all email addresses that you have set up on your PC via Microsoft Exchange.


Default settings...


Once you have edited everything to your liking, you can preview your email or report. Make sure you have selected an email template or report template before using this feature. Otherwise DIAL|IT will still prompt you to select one.


When you click on Preview Email, the following window appears. Here you can enter additional text for the email. Either click on Send email with this text, Send email without this text or Cancel.


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Back on the home page you can preview the report. Send the email as a draft or send email directly.


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