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DIAL|IT Manual

Navigation: Download and installation

Download trial version of DIAL|IT

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You would like to have a first insight into DIAL|IT? With the trial version of DIALI|IT you create a first insight.


To request the trial version, first go to the product page.


Please note that you will receive a download link for the trial version, but not yet a license. The demo version is limited in time, but includes the full range of functions. You can, after you have installed the program, open the demo version without entering a license.



Shopseite en ohne rahmen



Below the product description you will find the blue eye-catching button "Request free trial".



Shopseite en


Click on the blue button, this window will open. Enter your e-mail here, check the box for Contact information and Privacy policy and then click the button "Request download":


Testversion anfordern EN


After you have done the steps described above, you will receive an email with the download link to the trial version.



Email Testversion


Click on the first link Link zur Testversion. Your default browser will automatically open with the download of the DIAL|IT trial version.


Datei wird heruntergeladen


After downloading, click on the zip file, this will open the folder where the zip file is located.


Ordner mit zip datei EN



Double click to open the zip file and it will take a while for a new window to open.

When a new window opens, it continues with the installation instructions.